Monday, May 25, 2009

Whitespace is not allowed at this location.

Am not a fan of in XML and that is because its sometimes so consfusing and time consuming if you have get a work around for a problem of mulformed tags in the xml, well i might not be a fan but the previous programmer whom i inherited the project from was a fan of XML. well in a web application everything is xml based, database manupilation is done in xml, a lot of serialization and desirialization. it will take you more that ten lines of code , doing the looping to save data to SQL through a large dataset , but if you use straight object it will take you 5 or less lines and it depends on the parameters. now lets get to the point of this Blog.

i came across an error on an XMl that reads

XML comment contains invalid XML: Whitespace is not allowed at this location".

This is because in your Column fields that you pass to the Xml there is ampresant and in XML its a special character, now you need to turn it off. well in my case and your case its simple , you need to leave your code the way it and in your code where you pass the xml string, you must use the replace function in C# or like this

Xml.Replace("&", "& amp;");

the "&" will turn it off and everything will be good again.

Thank you

Vuyiswa Maseko

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How to Remove Duplicates in a string in SQL

I was working on a Functionality and came i cross duplicates in a Database table Field, so i thought that i will just put this string in a arralist and remove the Duplicates from there , but i thought how Arraylist are slow i thought mybe it will be good to do it here in sql, while googling i came across a very interesting post by Pinal Dave and the post originally written by Ashish Jain . you can Find it here

Here is How it was done,

Create a UDF(User Derfined Function)

alter FUNCTION dbo.DistinctList
@Delim CHAR
SET @list = LTRIM(RTRIM(@list)) + @Delim
SET @pos = CHARINDEX(@delim, @list, 1)
WHILE @pos > 0
SET @list1 = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@list, @pos - 1)))
IF @list1 <> ''
SET @list = SUBSTRING(@list, @pos+1, LEN(@list))
SET @pos = CHARINDEX(@delim, @list, 1)
SELECT @rlist = COALESCE(@rlist+',','') + item
RETURN @rlist

And Run your Fuction like this

SELECT dbo.DistinctList(MY_FIELD,' ') DistinctList FROM MYTABLE

This Function takes two parameters the first one is the duplicated string, in this case i have used my field in mytable. e.g if you have

"12345612345" and run this on your field ,you will end up with



Vuyiswa Maseko

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Show a Mesage Box in ASP.NET

A lot of Developer from windows Platform who are new to Web Development , tries to mimic what they were doing in Windows Development on the Web. Well it would be nice if Microsoft can add this feuture in Message boxes are the way a Developer interect with his or her users. In Windows Application its simple because you just need to call the Function

MessageBox.Show("Your Message here...");

This can still be used in the Web but , your message box will show at the taskbar and this will not be your intentions. To over come this in you have to create a Function like this

public void CreateMessageAlert(System.Web.UI.Page aspxPage, string strMessage, string strKey)
string strScript = "";
if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(strKey))
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), strKey, strScript);

and you can call it like this

string strMessage = "You Message here...";
CreateMessageAlert(this.Page, strMessage, "strKey1");

That is Simple.

Vuyiswa Maseko

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The State Information is Invalid for this Page and might be Corrupted

Some other Errors are not code related and but they can be solved through the code. Am uploading the Xml file to ym DB and am using Infragistics Controls to do this , it will work for very small files but it will give you a problem with a larger Files. Here is the cause


This comes, because from version 2.2.2, we made the RadUploadHttpModule parse the files when used with the Cassini web server. I believe you have encountered a similar problem - the request data is not read properly by the RadUploadHttpModule and corrupt ViewState data is passed to the page. and you finnaly get the error

The case-sensitive value that the TemplateSourceDirectory property of a page returns is used to create and to validate the ViewState property for that page. The value of this property for a page depends on the case-sensitive URL that the first user for that page requested. This value is reused for the remaining requests for that page until that page is recompiled. When the page is recompiled, the TemplateSourceDirectory property is re-initialized. If the new value (which is case-sensitive) differs from the previous value, the ViewState validation from the existing clients fails.

The State Information is Invalid for this Page and might be Corrupted


  1. Someone else reported the same error and seemed to have found a workaround by causing his upload button PostbackUrl to go to the same page like this

btnAddFile.PostBackUrl = "~/NewsAddFiles.aspx?NewsId=" + hiddenNewsId.Value;

2. Download a hotFix;ko;323744

3: Save the radion button selection and tree control node selection in session variables instead of view state, because the life scope of the view state is only within the page. When user navigates away to a different page, the view state of the previous page is destroyed.

Hope this This Helps

Vuyiswa Maseko

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cannot Find keycodev2.dll or invalid keycode

Have you ever come across this problem, when you have crystal report setup file. Which includes all the merge modules and license key for crystal reports. But still you are getting this error while deploying your application on the server.


  1. Install CR redistrubutalbe on designated machine(using the correct version key, had some problems with an upgrade key)
  2. Deploy the application including the mergemodules:
    003.msm (necessary if you use ado)
    Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm (necessary if you use ado)
    Crystal_regwiz2003.msm (don't forget to set license key in properties)
i have more links that are related to this topic and different version of Crystal report

Thank you

Vuyiswa Maseko

Cannot Create Windows Folder Named Con

It is true that you cannot create a folder with the Following names

  • PRN
  • AUX
  • NUL
  • LPT1
  • COM1
  • Potential drive letter - A: to Z:
  • A number of others
If you try to name a folder using one of these reserved names, the name will automatically revert to the default, generally "New Folder". Moreover, if you try to use a reserved name to name a file such as a Notepad or Microsoft Word document you will generally receive an error message similar to the following:

Microsoft MS-DOS reserves certain names for system device drivers. If you try to name a file using one of these names, you will receive the following error message:

Write Fault Error Writing Device
Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?

The solution is to change the file name.

Below is a list of default device driver names.
   Name    Function
---- --------
CON Keyboard and display
PRN System list device, usually a parallel port
AUX Auxiliary device, usually a serial port
CLOCK$ System real-time clock
NUL Bit-bucket device
A:-Z: Drive letters
COM1 First serial communications port
LPT1 First parallel printer port
LPT2 Second parallel printer port
LPT3 Third parallel printer port
COM2 Second serial communications port
COM3 Third serial communications port
COM4 Fourth serial communications port
To identify system device driver names, use one of the following two commands:

  • mem /d more
  • debug d 0070:0000

  • Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 3.1
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 3.2 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 3.3 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 3.3a
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 4.0 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 4.01 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0a
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 6.0 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 6.2 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 6.21 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 Standard Edition

Thank you

Vuyiswa Maseko

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Could not load file or assembly 'App_Code' or one of its dependencies. There is not enough space on the disk. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070070)new

हवे यू एवर काम आक्रोस अन एर्रोर लिखे थिस

Could not load file or assembly 'App_Code' or one of its dependencies। There is not enough space on the disk. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070070)
दो नोट पनिक, थिस इस नोट अ प्रॉब्लम इन यौर ऍप्लिकेशन और यौर कोड, बुत इट्स अ प्रॉब्लम ओं यौर सर्वर।। तेरे अरे प्लेंटी ऑफ़ रेसोलुशन तो थिस प्रॉब्लम ,

1) रन थे डिस्क क्लेअनुप तो रेमोवे उनुसेद और टेम्प फिल्स एंड रिस्टार्ट यौर सर्वर अनडी विल सोल्वे यौर प्रॉब्लम
२)That's pretty clearly a disk space error। While your account may have plenty of disk space available, the error might refer to the operating system partition on the machine - since the error occurs when assemblies are being loaded into memory which likely will occur on the OS disk. Your Web space is probably on a different partition than the OS, and there is probably plenty of space there.

ठनक you